Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Salem Witch Trials v. McCarthyism

Compare and contrast the Salem Witch Trials to McCarthyism.  Be specific.  Mention some of the examples from the Webquest and "Seeing Red" article.  This blog does not have to include a quote, but it must be over six sentences in length.


  1. some of the people that were accused of witchcraft were accused for no exact reason and they really were not doing anything at all.people were accused of witchcraft for man different reasons that were not even reasonable.

  2. the salem witch trials and mcarthyism pretty much go hand in hand.during the witch trials everybody started accusing everybody else of being witches. during the red scare mcarthy started accusing famous people of being communists. mcarthy also made up most of the statements he said about the supposed communists. thomas putnam was said to have accused many people he had land disputes with. love keith friel

  3. Tyler Tomlin.

    Salem witch trials and McCarthyism are very similar becasue they both show times that were very tough and hard. McCarthyism is a guy that was known for lying and never telling the truth and Salem witch trials was a time that people were dying. Alot of people were executed and basically everyone was killed. McCathys speeches were confusing becasue people never knew if he was lying or not. But both of these sotries both play a big role back then.

  4. The Salem Witch Trials was people accusing other people because they were jelouse. McCarthyism is when they accuse someone for something. In the Salem witch Trials, normal people were accused of being witchs and died for it. In mcCarthyism not many died. In Seeing Red he accused many for being against the goverment. In Seeing Red nobody died from it.
    Brendan Slape

  5. Salem and McCarthyism have there similarities and differences. They are mostly the same because of how the said accusers prosecuted and there reasons for it. In the Salem trials the said "witches" were said to be them not because they put spells on children or a dog was possessed, it was for political or land reasons. Two land owners sometimes accused each other of being witches just so they could have the other said persons land. McCarthyism has the same concept to it. He called people communists and said they were not "loyal" to the government for his own personal gain and to be a more popular senator and to just be known. The only difference between the two issues was the time and what the accusations were.

    Posted by Jordan Cheeseman

  6. The Salem Witch Trials started over jealousies and land disputes. McCarthyism started with Joseph McCarthy wanting to win against a senator for a seat in the Senate. Therefore McCarthyism started over greed, just like the Salem Witch Trials. In the article "Seeing Red", it said that the fear of communism helped McCarthy gain power over many people,and condemn some of them to unfair punishments, mostly minorities or socialists. So during the Salem Witch Trails the accusers had power over a captive audience and those they intended to condemn. The Witch Trails were an unfair judgement of people combined with assumptions. McCarthy's own "Witch Hunt" was the almost the same and yielded the same results. People who claimed their innocence and begged for their freedom.

  7. In the Salem Witch Trials and McCarthyism, they are both over exaggerated. Throughout both of them, the people all believe what they hear the second they hear it. In the Salem Witch Trials, people start rumors and blame and accuse other people of witchcraft when some people had nothing to do with witchcraft at all. In the article, "Seeing Red", the people believed him whenever he made a speech even though he changed his speech every time he gave one. In the Salem Witch Trials, punishment is more harsh and crucial. Death, was the punishment for use of witchcraft, which is another example as to why things were so exaggerated. Everyone believed whoever felt confident enough to say that everything was going to be okay.

  8. The Salem Witch Trials was started over simple issues of everyday people. Issues such as they got mad at a neighbor cause their dog came on there property. They would lie and accuse them of witchcraft to be done with them. Just as McCarthy lied to gain power. McCarthy was known to lie. Although people believed him when he said he had then list of 205. I think it was because he just rattled it off, and he did not hesitate. The difference between the Witch Trials and McCarthy is what they accused people of.

  9. The Salem witch trials like McCarthy’s trials were both out of fear in things they did not understand. For Salem they were afraid of witches for McCarthy it was communists. Both the people of Salem and McCarthy claimed that they were doing something just and heroic, however that was not the case. McCarthy only started his trials for election purposes. He lied to people to make himself look like a hero he made up statistics and other things of the sort. The witch trials were supposedly in the name of God in reality the people of Salem were using the trials to follow their own personal agendas. The only difference between these two trials is that in the McCarthy trials no one died according to “Seeing Red”. To close both of these illegitimate trials were nothing but jealous people following their own selfish desires.

    Pauli Kamenakis

  10. The Salem Witch Trials were started by jealousy and the gain of properties. The people of Salem all wanted more land, so they claimed their neighbors to be witches. McCarthyism began with Joseph McCarthy trying to jump-start his political career by claiming people within the government were Communists. Both of these events began by one or many people being greedy. McCarthy tried to ruin other government officials lives to gain power. The people of Salem used their accusations to their advantage, just like McCarthy did, by taking land from others accused of "witchcraft".

  11. I think that the Salem witch trials and mccarthyism are alike in many ways. They both shouldnt have happened but did, they were "witch" hunts and they both had innocent people used as scapegoats and balemed for things they didnt do. HOwever the salemm witch trial;s they were actually accusing people of witchcraft and a lot of people died because the accusers were scared and it happend in puritan time so people werent very sophistacated and smart. McCarthyism was just a hunt for communists by a man who wanted power and popularity. He wanted to be known so he accused random people of being communist by manipulating individuals and controlling the press.

  12. the salem witch trials and mcarthyism are very similar but also different at the same time. They both had leaders instilling public hysteria against the accused. Then people relizing that their was no proof. Also people that were accused had no say if they were guilty regardless. They were different because mcarthyism was accuseing people for being pro communism and salem witch trials accused people of being witches. Also people were killed for being a witch with mcarthyism people were only black listed but none were killed.

  13. 17

    McCarthyism and the Salem witch trials are both comparable and contrastable. The Salem witch trials people were getting falsely accused for being witches. In McCarthyism, people were being falsely accused of being communist. Both of these are similar because people were being accused of being something they weren't. They are different though because they were being accused for different things. The two are also different because they had different consequences for being accused for being a witch a communist. During the Salem witch trials, those who were accused of witchcraft were murdered. But those accused of communism during the Red Scare were thrown in jail. That is how McCarthyism and the Salem witch trials are similar and also different.

  14. The Salem Witch Trials and McCarthyism are very similar. The Salme Witch Trials dteremined whether witches were accused of witchcraft or not. McCarthyism was blaming someone of an accusations. Both wanted to get rid of someone. It shocked me that they would get rid of anyone. The Salem Witch Trials and McCarthyism are both similar in so many ways.
    Adam McAllister

  15. the trials were mainly started by jealousy and arguments of properties. all they wanted was more and more power because they are greedy.accusations were deff used as an advntage,
    #jon dumbell

  16. The Salem Witch Trials an Mcarthyism are simmilar. but many people died in the Salem witch trials for no good reasons like land disputs. people were hung and peoples faimly names were trashed just because people were jelouse. McCarthyism is the same but not, not many people died in "seeing red" but alot of people were acussed of being comunists. -michael curcio

  17. Tyler Tomlin

    The Salem Witch Trials and McCarthyism are very similar. Basically in the salem witch trials it was to see if witches were accused of witchcraft or not but most of them were. McCarthyism is a guy that is known for lying alot for what he says. No body ever believes his speeches because everything he says is a lie. Both of these are simlilar because of what they had in common. They both had leaders that were accused of witchcraft.

  18. the salem witch trials and mcarthyism are similar. The people being accused were people who dont like others. They are also similar because they were people who stuck to there own bussiness and werent very social. They are also very different. They are different because people in mcarthyism who were being accused were mainly communists. Lastly the people in the witch trials being accused were by people that othere people called witches.
    ~ kwhth3

  19. There are similarities between the Witch Trials and McCarthyism, but there are just as many differences. Both the Witch Trials and McCarthyism were periods of time in history where anyone could be killed because of an untrue rumor or a lie that an enemy had told. They were both times where there were unnecessary deaths of innocent people because of false accusations. During the Salem Witch Trials, there was no one person in a position of government sentencing people to death. There was much more religion in the trials where as, during McCarthyism, there was mainly one person doing the prosecuting of the accused. Both were terrible periods in history which, hopefully, do not repeat themselves.

    -Autumn Bobb

  20. The salem witch trails were a very confusing time for people. I think it was the same for McCarthyism. In the 1600's many people were thought to be witch's. People were hanged for just someone saying that they were doin witchcraft. In the McCarthyism period the same thing was happening. Just people werent being killed over it. Both times were very crazy and everybody was out of their mind.

    Anthony Rullo

  21. In the 1950's there was a such thing as which, but they were disgused as communist. The Salem witch trials in 1692 and the events with Senator McCarthy in the 1950's isn't so different. Each accused people of being a "witch" or "communist". There is no such thing as withces and not every one is a communist. McCarthy used this to create an opening for him to be re-elected, and the people in Salem used it for their own purposes also. When Miller wrote the Crucible it was meant to relate the two.

  22. The Salem Witch Trials were like McCarthyism because they were both about people blaming other people, not because of actual witchraft, but because of personal reasons. In the Salem Witch Trials, it was mostly the girls pretending to be struck by witchcraft, but then it evolved into people blaming other people for land, fame, or hatred of the other person. The same thing goes for McCarthyism, only it was people calling each other Communists. They were extremely similar in many ways, including how they would use no evidence, or "spectral evidence", against the person they blamed. The only differences between these two time periods are that in the McCarthy trials no one died and when McCarthy was blaming people, he had different estimates each time, according to “Seeing Red”.


  23. McCarthyism and the Salem Witch Trials were feared things and people were gullible. Salem Witch Trials was whatever they heard would automatically be true to them. They wouldn't think it through or consider it to being false. Most of it was rumors. Communists were something to be afraid of in McCarthyism. Joe McCarthy was only using it to get his political career started. Both of them were just to have people go away.

  24. The Salem Witch Trials and McCarthyism were both based off of lies. People would cry "witch" on their neighbors in Salem and not feel wrong about it. If there were land disputes, they'd say the person they were disputing with was a witch. Also, anyone who wanted to knock someone out of the running for something could claim that they were a witch. McCarthyism was a system of lies, as well. They are different in the sense that no one died by the hand of McCarthyism, and he never had to publicly apologize for major events such as those of the Witch Trials.

  25. In both the people were over taken but internationalization. They also used that to blame people they didn't like and get them in trouble. It was like a boy crying wolf expect there was no wolf just crying, and hysteria. McCarthy made up the communists story just as the people of Salem made up the witch stories. It is basically history repeating itself over again. I don't get the fact how history repeated itself but it did and will again in the future

  26. The Salem witch trials and McCarthyism are both very similar. Both the Salem witch trials and McCarthyism had an alternative motive to their actions. They were full of deception and they played on the fears of the people to promote personal gain. In addition, both of them had their motives as a gain in power. Finally, both the Salem withc trials and McCarthyism brought shame upon people associated with them. The two also differed. The Salem witch trials took place a long ago while McCarthyism was more recent. Although their goals were extremely similar, they were also different. McCarthy wished for a political career while the Putnam family wanted land.

  27. The Salem Witch Trials and McCarthyism are very similar. The witch trials were started because of fear, jealousy, and greed. The "inflicted" girls used a lie to imprison and possible kill anyone they didn't like, or were threaten by. In Joseph McCarthy's case he used a lie to keep his job. He told everyone he had a list of communist in the U.S. government. He used this to keep his job and to get rid of any political enemies' and anyone who questioned him. In both cases they used a lie that the public was afraid of during the time so that they believed them and used that lie to gain in there own personal way.

  28. In each of these events the Salem Witch trials and McCarthyism; everything was blown out of proportion. The Salem Witch trials were based all around people who were fighting about land disputes and other neighbor to neighbor arguements.McCarthyism was just like the Witch trials in the fact that people were being accused of things that they did not take part in. Unlike each other, the Salem Witch trials was a life and death decision that the people chose to make if they would accuse someone, McCarthyism only dealt with the government and accusing people of being communists and this did not have the consequence of death.Bothe were terrible incidences caused by jealousy and hatred of one another.

  29. In the Salem witch trials, the jealousy and petty problems of people were explained by witchcraft. When someone wanted another out of the way for any reason they could acuse them of witchcraft, just like McCarthy's accusations in the goverment. McCarthy used his accusations to get somewhere he wanted to be, just as the accusers of witchcraft did. The trials and McCarthy both did not have valid proof. The difference between the two is basically that magic was used instead of controversy.
    Brooke ottinger

  30. The Salem Witch Trials and McCarthyism have similarities and differences. One major difference was that McCarthism accused people that were pro communism but with the Salem Witch Trials accused anyone for the simplest things. Also, another difference was that Salem Witch Trials had deaths that arised but with McCarthyism people were only black listed for being pro communism. What they both had in common was that both did these things to gain power, land, or popularity. In both situations the people were all brain washed and believed really what anyone said. Both situations also lied to better their own lives. In "Seeing Red" everyone listened to whatever McCarthy said even when he lied after every speech and said a new thing. In Salem Witch Trials people lied about witchcraft to get property from neighbors. People were just so brained washed and didn't know what was the truth and what wasn't. Both articles caught my attention and shocked me several times.

  31. The Salem witch trial were alike in many ways. First they both persecuted many people for crimes that they most likely did not commit. Some People were hung in the Salem witch trials because others just said that they were witches so that they could get their land. During the Red Scare people were doing just the same thing with different words. People were calling each other communists that they didn't like just to get back at their enemies. Although the one difference would be that people died in the Salem witch trials after they were imprisoned while during the red scare people were just imprisoned for a short time.

  32. The Salem Witch Trials and McCarthyism had their similarities. They were both accusing people of something that was considered wrong in society. In my opinion I think the allegations were far. People would get blamed for witchcraft by someone just because they didn't like that person. Same with McCarthyism, they would just blame people they didn't like. The differences are, McCarthyism was trying to get rid of communists while the Salem Witch Trials were trying to get rid of witches.

  33. During the Salem Witch Trials everyone was so paranoid that they were quick to accuse every person that had a different way of thinking or went against what the majority did. McCarthyism was the same way. People who weren't going against comunism, but weren't necessarily for it, were shunned and harassed. During the Red Scare I believe that more people were accused than during the With Trails, but it is still a situation that parallels two different time periods.

  34. The salem witch trials and mccarthism were definantly similar. some of the simalaries are how they accused people of either commmunism or witchcraft and why they accused these people. Most accused people for their own personal gain. Like Mccarthy accused people so he could secure a spot in goverment and so that people will like him and respect him. As with the salem witch trials, people were accusing people for land, money or just because they didnt like that specific person. These are some of the simalarites of the salem witch trials and Mccarthyism.

  35. The Salem witch trials and McCarthyism are alike and different in many ways. In comparison both were fueled by rumors, it was as simple as someone fabricating or misconstruing this that happened. After this happened people began adding on to it until it became something blown out of proportion. The two events were able to become so big because both were based off fear, and had no physical evidence of their accusations. Both situations differ in ways as well. The Salem witch trials were based on the fear of satin, hell, and being possessed. McCarthyism was the fear of there being communists and traitors amongst the United States government.

  36. The salem witch trials and Mcarthyism are actually very similar. During both situations people were acussing many people of doing things that some didnt even do. Both things were started manily over greed. Mostly all people were being brain washed in both cases. Everyone was lieing and getting away with it. In Salem witch trials people were lying and saying others were witches for a good enough reason as they just didnt like them. In Mcarthyism he was lieing to keep his job.

  37. The salem witch trails compare to macarthyism in the wasy the revolove around greed dispute and jelousy. once one person puts something in the head of another it becomes a big rumor other follow. like in seeing red mccarthy takes a guess with a 205 guess on the traders on the court. such as in the salem witch trail when a neighbor would lie and accuse you of witchcraft beacause they wanted more land.

  38. The Salem Witch Trials and McCarthyism were very similar. During the Salem Witch Trials, anyone could accuse someone of being a witch, even if there was no proof. Also, during the Red Scare, many people were accused of being communists, even if there was no proof. In some ways, the Salem Witch Trials and McCarthyism were different. During the Salem Witch Trials, anyone could accuse someone for being a witch. And during the Red Scare, McCarthy was mainly the one accusing people for being communists.

  39. The Salem witch trials and Mcarthyism are almost the same. They were both accusing people of something that was considered wrong in society.The two also were different. The Salem witch trials took place a long time ago while McCarthyism was more recent. Also,the trials were based on the fact that then people were terrfied of the devil and his works. However, McCarthyism was based on the fear of having communisits in the U.S. - Lauren Cooney

  40. Cindi Strong
    Both were periods in American history when the legal system turned into a system of persecution, when it was dangerous to hold an unpopular opinion, and when even questioning the treatment of others could cause you to be targeted as a threat to society. The Salem Witch Trials were the result of a effort to find witches brought on by panic. The same was true for McCarthy in the Senate. He was on a mission to find communists and rallied a panicked public around him. Of course, the events were very different in results and reasons, but the idea of seeking and hunting down the people who represent different ideas are the same.

  41. The Salem Witch Trials and McCarthyism are alike because both had to deal with making senseless accusations about people being witches and communist. During the Salem Witch Trials people were worried about their self reputation and tried to protect that by accusing others of witchcraft. In most cases hardly any evidence was present, everything was based upon rumors. In McCarthyism, it was very similar except Joseph McCarthy would accuse others, usually famous politicians that they are communists. Usually he would accuse without reason and would make up lies about them.


  42. The Crucible was written during the McCarthy era, and stands as a metaphor for McCarthyism. McCarthyism is a term for the period when Senator McCarthy started giving paranoid accusations of communists in the government of the United States. Much like the Red Scare, the Salem Witch Trials of 1692 started out of general disputes between two factions, in this case villagers who owned farm land. Like McCarthy's accusations, most of the accusations made by the people of Salem were false, fueled by anger or want of the accused's property. The only outstanding difference is that after the witch trials, the people involved in the judgement process admitted their guilt and publicly apologized. McCarthy never apologized. Instead he retreated out of the public eye, and drank himself to death

    -Lisa Williams :)

  43. The Salem witch trials and McCarthyism are similar in many different ways. They both deal with accusations and assumptions of people acting weird, then they must be up to something. They both started with rumors and people instantly thought that they were real. And after the rumors were heard, it suddenly became a big deal and thats all people of the town or nation were talking about. They both are different because the witch trials deals with satan, witches, hell, being possessed and crazy. Mccarthyism was the fear of the people of the government betraying their country and communism in the country.


  44. the both have similar accounts of lies, and people directing accusations towards each other. Like how the Salem witch trials could accuse anyone of being a witch or practicing the witchcraft. Both of the stoires were taunted with lies. They both flaunted lies to get what they wanted. Salem was feared because their religious beliefs towards the devil. And McCarthism was fueled on lies about being against the United States. All had to do with people in somekind of a power to set the standards of what could be overuled about someone or something of somesort. Both stories are made up of corrupt peoples. Brendon.

  45. The Salem Witch Trials and McCarthyism had their similarities. They were both accusing people of something that was considered wrong in society. People would get blamed for witchcraft by someone just because they didnt do anything but judge everyone in the town ,The differences are, was that they tired to get rid of communists while the Salem Witch Trials were trying to get rid of witchcraft .

  46. The Salem witch trials and McCarthyism are much alike in their lesson. You learn from both incidents that lieing and coming up with things for your own good can really make a situation bad. In the salem witch trials Abigail and the girls lie about what they were doing in the woods and to cover themselves up they use the suspion of witchcraft in their advantage. They lie and say they have seen people practicing witchcraft and that is where The Crucible goes into the trial of seeing who was committing the crime of practicing witchcraft. Many people lose their lives and alot of drama is sturred up from the lies the girls tell. In McCarthyism McCarthy was senator and to get rid of people he did not agree with or like he would bash their name and come up with things untrue about them. He would use his knowledge about the FBI's investigations to come up with things that would seem relavent to what the FBI was investigating. In both situations no good came out of the lieing and did not make them people any better, it only amde their situation worse.
    Cortney kratzer
