Monday, December 12, 2011

Fireside Poets

What elements of Romanticism are incorporated in the poems we are reading this week?  Include a quote from one of the poems to support your answer.


  1. The elements incorporated in this poem are Imagination and Intuition. The poems we have read include these elements by creating a mental image of nature and death. The poems have us imagining the position of the narrator or the main character in the poem. Intuition is used in the poems; it is displayed by showing emotion and valuing instincts, over reason. "I thought of a mound in sweet Auburn, where a little headstone stood; how the flakes were folding it gently, as did robins the babes in the wood." Such as The First Snowfall where the narrator writes about the first snow of the winter that reminds him of his deceased daughter.
    Cindi Strong

  2. Adam McAllister
    There are a lot of elements of Romanticism that are used in the poems. The elements that are Romanticism are used in "The First Snowfall". Lowell talks about showing lost when it's the first snowfall without his dead daughter. She once asked her father "Father, who makes it snow". He answered by saying "The snow that huisheth all, Darling the merciful Father alone can make it fall!" He also shows fear and death over the loss of his loved one. It's ashame to see someone wihtout a loved one on the first snowfall.

  3. Imagination is incorporated in the poems we are reading this week. They all describe nature or an object to someone. They show you intuition because you know someone has died. It may also describe the love they have for someone. They use Idealism to tell you that it's okay to die in thanatopsis. "Yet not to thine eternal resting place shalt thou retire alone, nor couldst thou wish could more magnificent (Bryant, 171)".
    Brendan Slape

  4. The major element that has been in corperated in all of the poems we have been reading is nature. It has been used to be a literal interpritation of the nature around the character or speaker. It has been a way for the author to give us an understanding of feelings towards past actions or events."The Oak shall send his roots abroad, and pierce thy mold." This is a great example of how the writer uses nature to express how the earth will take you back into it when you die. These are just a few examples of how nature is incorperated in the poems that we are currently reading

    Jordan Cheeseman

  5. the poems we are reading this week are using figuratuive vesions to show real life situations romanticism is basically showing imagionation and emothing in the first snowfall it uses snow to relate to his dead daughter. "I remembered a gradual patience that fell from that cloud- like snow" also in thratopis it uses nature to show the dead are still among us. Patrick Adams

  6. 17

    The poems we read this week have elements of romaticism. Romanticism emphasizes alot of natural beauty. Each of the poems we read are all mainly discribing nature. The poem Thanatopis the writer says that nature "has a voice of gladness, and a smile, and eloquence of beauty". This is how the poems have elements of romanticism.

  7. Romanticism is showed thorughout some poems including The First Snowfall. It is included in this poem because of the love for his dead daughter that he expresses thorught the poem. In Romanticism, love is expressed alot, so this poem shows it by the father's clear love for his daughter."I thought of a mound in sweet Auburn, Where a little headstone stood;

    Mike Bomba

  8. The elements of Romanticism are shown in many of the poems we read this week. The element of nature, or becoming one with nature, is present in many. "Thanatopis", and "The chambered Nautilis" are examples of poems we read with the romantic element of nature."Thy growth, to be resolved to earth again.." (bryant 171). These stories have the element of nature, with the theme of death, and rebirth. They both have the idea of accepting death peacefully, because everyone dies, and returns to the earth. It is the endless cycle.


  9. A thing that is in most things that the fireside poets wrote had something to do with nature. They also have something to do with the endless cycle of things. In "The first snowfall" it shows parts of the endless cycle. The speaker said "i thought of a mound in sweet auburn, where a little headstone stood" this is starting to show the death part of the endless cycle when in the beginning of the poem it was talking about the " birth" of the snow and the "growth" of the snow on the ground. Then the poem shifts to death when the author starts speaking about someone that has died.

  10. The element of Romanticism that was incorporated in the poems we read this week the most is imagination. All the poems tie in with nature in their own way. In "The First Snow Fall" it says "..the noiseless work of the sky, and the sudden flurries of snow- birds, like brown leaves whirling by." Also, where it says, "I thought of a mound in sweet Aburn where a little headstone stood.." Another place it really shows imagination is when it says, "..and she, kissing back, could not know that my kiss was given to her sister.." Through out this whole poem you can see where the author Lowell used the element of imagination.

  11. Elements of Romanticism instituted in these poems we've read are Intuition and Imagination. Almost all of the poems we have read have something to do with nature and life in some way. In The First Snowfall, the speaker says "I thought of a mound in sweet Auburn, where a little headstone stood". The speaker starts off by talking about the snow, and then shifts to talk about his daughter that passed away. Every poem we've read so far begins by talking about nature in some way. By the end of the poem, they are all speaking about their life or life in general.

  12. Elements of Romanticism are incorporated in the poems we are reading in class. I believe all five elements are used in the poems. Imagination, Intuition, Idealism, Inspiration, and Individuality are the five elements. In Lowell's poem "The First Snowfall" he uses imagination. Lowell states, "And she, was kissing back could not know that my kiss was given to her sister," this is imagination. Lowell is imagining he's kissing his dead daughter. He tries to get the readers to imagine this as well.

    -Chelsea Abhau

  13. There are a lot of Romanticism elements in the poems we read. They use nature to represent different things. Most of the poems involved death or life. "That my kiss was given to her sister, Folded close under deepening snow." (James Russell Lowell) Nature is there to show how things changed or didn't change. This is how the poems show Romanticisim.

  14. In the poem "The First Snowfall," the ideas of inspiration and idealism. The speaker at one point says to his daughter "The snow that husheth all,/Darling, the merciful Father/Alone can make it fall!" Then he kisses her and sends love to both her and her dead sister. This reflects inspiration because the snow reminded him of something horrible, but still inspired him to heal. It reflects Idealism because he is trying to also help his living daughter heal, which makes her life better, and happier people make this world a better place. All of the Romantic era poems we've read in class discuss nature and the way nature reflects on life. In some, the people of the poem are inspired by nature, and in some the people of the poem are even speaking with nature. All in all, nature guided the path of life for poets and others in the Romantic era.

  15. The Poems that we have read this week all include an element of Romanticism. whether it be the 5 "I's", or a lesser element. One thing I noticed was that they had nature as part of their theme each time. in 'First Snowfall', it had snow as part of its theme, which is a part of nature: "...and the poorest twig on the elm-tree was ridged inch deep with pearl". In 'Thanatopsis', it talked about how people return to the earth in death, and we discussed how it wants you to run to nature, like romanticism runs away from something and to something. Finally, in 'The Chambered Nautilis', It mentioned the ocean in the poem, which, again, is a part of nature. That is how each poem referenced an element of Romanticism: its love of nature.

  16. The elements of Romanticism that are incorporated into the poems we have read this week are idealism and imagination. Every poem we have read this week has has had to do with nature and how it relates to our lives. They all show imagination by being able to relate nature to human life. For example in "The First Snowfall" James Russell Lowell said,"And the sudden flurries of snow-birds, Like brown leaves whirling by." He relates the snow to birds and leaves witch takes a great imagination to do. He also uses idealism when his daughter asks him who makes it snow. He says the "Merciful Father," this takes idealism because he knows the real reason but instead of saying it he relates it to a more spiritual level.

  17. What elements of Romanticism are incorporated in the poems we are reading this week? Include a quote from one of the poems to support your answer.

    The element of Romanticism in the selections we read this week is nature. Every poem that we have read has incorporated this in one way or another. Thanatopsis, The Chambered Nautilus, and the First Snowfall were each about nature. In The First Snow Fall it reads "The noiseless work of the sky, and the sudden flurries of snow birds, like brown leaves whirling by." This is a direct representation of nature, as with the rest of the works we've read. Nature seems to be the way these poets like to express their feelings and describe events that have occured in their lives, or to describe the beauty of nature itself. Most of these poems also include birth and rebirth. Such as when Bryant writes "Thy growth, to be resolved to earth again.."

    - Joe Starcevich

  18. The elements of Romanticism that are incorporated in the poems we have been reading are intuition and imagination. Imagination has been incorporated in every poem we have read. Intuition was incorporated in Rip Van Winkle. Every poem gives makes you imagine a mental picture or makes you think of how the speaker/ writer feels. It also makes you think about what you would do in the situation. Imagination occurs in The First Snowfall several times. One in particular would be when the speaker says, "Every pine and fir and hemlock Wore ermine too dear for an earl, And the poorest twig on the elm-tree Was ridged inch deep with pearl".
    Jordan Brank

  19. I feel the Romanticism elements incorperated in all of the poems we have been reading are Intuition and Insperation. I feel this way because many of these poems are about another person impacting the authors life. That is a form of Insperation, even when speaking about death. In the poem "The Cross of Snow" you see the author express his Insperation from the death of his wife "...These eighteen years, through all the changing scenes And seasons, changeless since the day she died" (Longfellow 178). As for Intuition, all of the poems come from a type of feeling. With out the feeling and going simply on reason these poems would not affect as many readers. They use there Insperation and Intuition to pass onto their readers.

  20. The elements of Romanticism that are shown in these peoms are Imagination and Intuition. In "The First Snowfall" and "Thanatopsis" they talk about accepting death, how you become one with the earth, and how your soul lives forever even after death. For example in Thanatopsis, Bryant says "Approach thy grave, like one who wraps the drapery of his couch about him, and lies down to pleasant dreams"(Bryant172). Meaning that when you die its like your home, so go happily and peacefully.

    -Sabrina Friant

  21. In the poems we have read this week involve alot of Nature and death. There is alot more Imagiantion then anyother incorperated in these poems."I thought of a mound in sweet Auburn, where a little headstone stood; how the flakes were folding it gently, as did robins the babes in the wood." from "The First Snowfall" shows how a father misses his oldest Daughter whom must have passed in the same season befor.
    -Michael Curcio

  22. The elements of romanticism that are incorperated into the poems we have read this week are idealism and imagination. Every poem that we have started reading this week has had to do with something in nature and how it relates to our everyday life. They show imagination by taking real stuff out of nature and relating it to stuff in everyday life. For example in the Last Snowfall " And the sudden flurries of snow birds, Like brown leaves whirling by" relates a flurry of birds to leaves flying by on a windy fall day. he uses idealism by talking about god in the ninth stanza that he is the reason it snows when instead he knows the real reason he relates it to god.

    Tyler Dubois

  23. "I thought of a mound in sweet Auburn, where a little headstone stood", the speaker in The First Snowfall says this, talking about how daughter. I think this shows how the poem used imagination, where we could imagine this gravestone in the fall after his daughter had died. We are thinking of this while the season is winter. Rip Van Winkle includes a lot of imagination throughout the entire story.

    Jena Buoncuore

  24. In the poem "The First Snowfall," the ideas of inspiration and idealism. In thisyou poem, the first snow comes and the father is reminded of the loss of daughter. This poem relates nature to death like most romantism poems. Even though she is gone, she will never be forgotten and that is kind of what the snow represents. The speaker says to his daughter that is living "The snow that husheth all, Darling, the merciful Father/Alone can make it fall! His daughter will never be forgotten and the snow reminded him of just that.

  25. The major incorpiration to Romanticism is more or less nature values."The Oak shall send his roots abroad, and pierce thy mold." THis allows us to see their views as an literal mneaning to nature situtaions. Theme of the Romantisim is death and rebirth, also acceptance of both.And the cycle of life. All poems have incorperated this in their works.

  26. The poems we have read this week incorporated many of the elements of Romanticism. For example, the poems all were written about life and the different ways of dealing with it. This is using idealism, the concept that we can make the world a better place. Also, the poems give inspiration. The poems look at death as a new beginning, not something that should be feared, but embraced. "Thanatopsis" is a good example because its' theme is, to live you must die and to die you must live. About him, and lies down to pleasant dreams"(Bryant 80). This also explains the endless cycle.

  27. -Nick Williams
    The elements of romanticism that are Incorporated into the poems we have read are imagination and love of nature. I think that these are especially obvious in "The First Snowfall". I think Imagination is shown when the author starts to describe the snow. "And the poorest twig on the elm-tree
      Was ridged inch deep with pearl."(Lowell). The image is described in such great detail that you can almost see it in your mind. Also found in this poem is a love of nature. The author spends like 3 stanzas describing the snow and how it changes the landscape. Those are just 2 of the many aspects of Romanticism found in "The First Snowfall".

  28. All of the poems we have read have contained many elements of Romanticism. They all deal with the Five I's and all contain some form of natural element. But, each author incorporates the element differently in his own way. For example, in Thanatopsis by William Cullen Bryant writes "Old Ocean’s gray and melancholy waste, Are but the solemn decorations all Of the great tomb of man. The golden sun, The planets, all the infinite host of heaven, Are shining on the sad abodes of death." He uses nature and it's qualities to connect it to death, while also keeping with the Romanticism aspects. It is tragic, beautiful, but also a perfect display of Romanticism.

    -Bailee Gilbert

  29. In the poems we read, the 5 I's are shown throughout all of the poems. I think both Imagination and Inspiration from nature are represented throughout them more often. In 'The First Snowfall', nature is a huge role in inspiration of the characters passed away loved one. "How the flakes were folding it gently, As did robins the babes in the wood. Up Poke our own little Mabel,..." (Lowell). Imagination is used in 'The Tide Rises, the Tide Falls' because Longfellow describes nature using human like qualities, "The little waves, with their soft, white hands, Efface the footprints in the sands," (Longfellow 177).

  30. All of the fire Side poets incorporated the same theme from the Romanticism. Each poem incorporated nature throughout it. A connection between nature and one’s life is made in each poem. In the poem “Thanatopsis” the author William Bryant uses nature as a way to explain how you should embrace and accept death. The acceptance of death is key “Like one who wraps the drapery of his couch about him, and lies down to pleasant dreams”(Bryant 172).

  31. There are a few elements of Romanticism that are incorporated into each of the poems that we read this week. In the poem, “The First Snowfall” by James Russell Lowell, the elements of Romanticism that is incorporated are intuition and imagination. An example of intuition in “The First Snowfall” is “I thought of a mound in sweet Auburn where a little headstone stood” (Lowell). An example of imagination would be, “I kissed her; and she, kissing back, could not know that my kiss was given to her sister” (Lowell). For intuition, he was thinking of where the little headstone stood. And for imagination, when he kissed his one daughter, he was really imagining it to be his dead daughter.
    -Hailey Tripet

  32. In the poems we have read this week their has been a lot of romanticism qualities. The poem I particularly liked which is "The First Snowfall" had many examples of romanticism. Some of it is the estetically pleasing imagery of the snow or the surrounding. But a lot of it is the authors connection between nature and death. "That my kiss was given to her sister, Folded close under deepening snow."

  33. T.Tomlin

    elements incorporated in this poem are Imagination and Intuition. An excample of these is the first snowfall relates to this because it shows love. Alost idealism plays a big role in this. Based of idealism is how the plays were written i believe. These poems show alot of nature. I think nature is the most important. "The snow that husheth all, Darling, the merciful Father"
